If you are unsure which e-mail to use, please send your questions to the general info address. Thanks!
Ticketing Questions:
If you are having any technical ticketing-related issues with your order (e.g. Can’t find order confirmation, having trouble ordering, question about charges, etc.) click here to contact Eventbrite. For non-technical ticketing questions and general festival info, email info@portfolio-nowhearthis2017.square205.com. For merchandise questions please email merch@portfolio-nowhearthis2017.square205.com.
Only for companies interested in sponsoring Now Hear This podcast festival. E-mails about any other topics will not be returned: sponsors@portfolio-nowhearthis2017.square205.com
For any questions related to press/media at the festival contact press@portfolio-nowhearthis2017.square205.com or APPLY FOR A MEDIA CREDENTIAL HERE
General Questions:
Lost & Found:
Suggestion Box:
Have a suggestion? We’d love to hear it. Thanks in advance – suggestions@portfolio-nowhearthis2017.square205.com